Gossip & Rumors

Sorry, to disappoint most of you, but the aim of this page was not to perpetually assassinate UFO researchers. We just wanted to point out a couple of the more high profile people (Stanton Friedman & Glen Campbell) misinforming you about the Bob Lazar story. In the future, this page will provide you with more gossip & rumors, but we don't want to give these types anymore stardom than they deserve. Now on to more important business...


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New rumors just in:

Can you confirm that Robert Lazar is not directly or indirectly currently working on any technology related to the anti-matter element 115 anti-gravity reactor on which he is reputed to have worked during his employment contract at S-4.

Lazar is involved in research & development with several companies, but as far as we know, nothing relating to his work at S4.

Stanton Friedman says in his book that Lazar stole some element 115 from S4. Is this true, or is Stanton lying?

Stanton is lying, Lazar never stole any 115 from S4.

Was Bob ever married to two women at the same time?

No, Bob & his first wife got a "cheapie" $75 Las Vegas divorce. This rumor apparently started because the fly-by night "legal firm" that handled Lazar's divorce did not properly record the paperwork. Lazar has divorce papers from his 1st & 2nd wife, both with the county clerk's stamp on them (Lazar married his 2nd. wife about 6 months after his 1st. divorce).

Were people at S4 trained in simulators to fly the discs?

Bob never saw any flight simulators at S4, so he doesn't know.

Is Bob really an alein?

We don't know what an "alein" is Steve, but Bob isn't one. By the way, he's not an alien either.

Aliens are in charge of Area 51 and Area S4.

Maybe illegal aliens, but not aliens from other planets.

Were the craft at S4 built by the Nazis?

No, unless they were Nazi aliens. I don't think they would have lost the war if they had one of these or the technology associated with it.

Lazar has a time machine.

You wouldn't believe how much mail Lazar gets from people asking to use his time machine. Unfortunately, he doesn't have one. Lazar promises to let everyone use it if he ever gets one. :)

I heard that Bob killed his ex-wife.

A typical bullshit story started by Glenn Campbell. Lazar's ex-wife had terminal pancreatic cancer and committed suicide in the mid 80's by carbon monoxide suffocation in her car. She was in great pain, and waited for Lazar to be out of town so he could not stop her.

It's been proven that Lazar never worked at Los Alamos Labs as a physicist.

Wrong. Lazar's old supervisor and the people that worked with Lazar (and still work there) disagree with you. They verify what he did, where he worked and what he worked on.



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